Delhi Battles with Rising Pollution Levels Once Again

Different year. Same Issue. Every year around winter, Delhi battles with pollution, and the ones who are defeated are the citizens of Delhi.

Raavn Daahan is part of the celebration of this festival, which causes air pollution in ways that we cannot even imagine.

Causes of poor air quality in Delhi

Dussehra Celebration

Annual stubble burning in Punjab and Haryana leads to poor air quality in Delhi and other northeastern regions. Around 2,500 cases of stubble burning have been recorded till now.

Stubble Burning in Punjab and Haryana

Red lights on Gaadi off

Initiatives taken to elevate the situation

The Delhi government implemented the campaign on October 26. This initiative urges people to turn off their engines while waiting at red lights.

Center-led 11-point action plan

– Mechanical and vacuum sweeping on roads every day – Water sprinkling, along with the use of suppressants – Targeted action to reduce air pollution in hotspots in NCR region – Increase inspections for strict dust control at C&D sites. – Strengthen remedial measures in hotspot sectors. – Ensure continuous power supply; discourage DG sets. – Enforce DG-set regulations across all NCR sectors. – Coordinate traffic and add staff at congested points. – Alerts in media on air pollution and guidelines – Raise parking fees to reduce private transport. – Expand CNG/electric public transport.

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