How to shield  your job from AI develop-ment.

Upskill Yourself

With advancements in technology, you need to keep yourself ahead of time. In short, you need to learn new skills over time that cannot be replicated by AI.

Befriend AI

Learn how to embrace AI rather than fear it. Only those people will lose their jobs who don’t know how to use AI to their advantage.

Prioritize Positions Requiring Human Talent

There are many jobs that require creativity, empathy, and emotional intelligence that AI can never replace. So, focus on these types of jobs more in this era of AI.

Make learning a habit

You must learn to be adaptive to learning if you never want to be replaced by AI. Keep upskilling and reskilling yourself if needed.

Embrace Human Expertise

AI and humans can go hand in hand by adding value to each other, but this fact cannot be neglected that humans are irreplaceable.

Top five mistakes that you should avoid making in interviews