The Secret that Google Uses to Rank Your Website

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1. Secure and accessible website

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- A website without an HTTPS certificate may not be able to be indexed by Google.

-  Even if you rank high on the SERP page, users will not visit your website.

–Try using sitemaps and getting an SSL certificate to alleviate the issue.

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Page Speed

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– Google entertains those websites that have a page speed of 2 seconds.

- A fast page speed helps enhance the user experience and boost rankings.

– Optimizing your image size and format can help with slow page speed.

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 Technical SEO

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– Without a good technical SEO, your website’s high quality content stands nowhere.

1. H1 (Title) Tags 2. Descriptive Meta Description 3. Alt Text 4. Schema Markup

– A good technical SEO cover the following aspects:

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User Experience

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– Rendering a good user experience is Google’s prime motive.

– User experience is determined by, Click through rate, bounce rate and dwell time.

– Good formatting, readable fonts, less ads and good graphics conveys good user experience.

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– More reputable sites linking to your website enhances credibility among Google.

– Guest posting, blogger outreach and broken link building are some tactics to get backlinks.

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