How to use telegram as a good source for traffic generation

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Jan 29, 2020

Instant Communication

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Immediate messaging on telegram makes instant communication possible.

Share promotions, new content and updates directly with your customers.

Faster and direct messages increase your user’s visits to your website.

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Group and Channel features

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Create channels and groups on telegram related to your business.

Telegram allows you to engage and connect with a wider audience.

Telegram allows you to engage and connect with a wider audience.

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Easy Link Sharing

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Telegram allows sharing of links making it easy to drive traffic to your website.

Share videos, blog posts, product pages with your audience effortlessly.

Make sure your messages resonate with your customers to encourage click-throughs.

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Engaging Features

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Encourage your followers to interact through polls, quizzes or contests.

Telegram’s interactive features keep your audience invested in your content.

The more the engagement with the users , the more they will explore your website.

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Check the Analytics

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Use the in-built analytical tools of telegram to track the performance of your message.

Understand what suits your customers and change your strategy accordingly.

Decisions based on data leads to more effective traffic generation.

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TL;DR for lazy readers- Telegram is a great platform to generate organic traffic for your website, all you have to do is work on your communication strategies, link sharing, scheduled messages and different multimedia options like infographics.

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