Uttarakhand Tunnel Crisis: 41 Men Trapped Inside

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How did the tunnel collapse?

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The tunnel construction area is prone to landslides and earthquakes. On november 12 a landslide hit that region making 41 men trapped inside the tunnel.

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How are the men surviving inside the tunnel?

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The men are given food and water through a pipe.

Oxygen is being supplied through another pipe.

Toiletries and clothing have also been pushed through the pipe.

Only 3 men have complained of dysentery, rest everyone is doing fine.

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Why is it taking so long to rescue the workers?

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– The safety concerns of the men and the instability of the area is a barrier. – The equipment broke down while drilling horizontally. – The vibrations of the equipment cause more debris to fall. – Drilling from both ends of the tunnel can harm the workers.

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What is the current status of the rescue operation?

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– Rat- Hole mining is being done to rescue the workers. – Narrow pits will be dug that are deep enough for one person to fit in. – Six miners will manually dig their way by removing the debris. – They will most probably reach the workers in 24-36 hours.

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Final thoughts

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Sending our prayers to the 41 men trapped inside the tunnel. We hope that the rescue operation will be successful and the workers will find their way out.