Why Building an email list is important than relying solely on social media

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April 30, 2024

The power of Email Marketing

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Building an email list is an important part of any marketing strategy.

It is not about numbers, but also about building relationships and maintaining customer loyalty.

While social media platforms are great for reaching out to your audience, they shouldn't be your only focus.

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The Risk of Relying on Social Media

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Social media platforms see your content through algorithms.

If you have thousands of followers only a fraction will be able to see your post.

And, if a platform shuts down or suspends your account, you could lose all your audience overnight.

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Why Email Marketing?

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With email marketing, you have direct access to your audience.

You control when and how your message is delivered.

Emails can be personalized and targeted for better engagement.

And, the ROI of email marketing is really significant.

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How to build an email list?

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 Start by offering value- a newsletter, a free e-book or exclusive content.

Use sign-up forms on your website and social media pages.

Always respect privacy and get consent before adding someone to your list.

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Bonus Tip: You can also follow these three actionable tips to improve your email open rates:

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Craft compelling subject lines and make them intriguing and relevant to encourage recipients to open the email.

Tailor your emails to specific groups within your audience for more personalized and relevant content.

Experiment with different send times to find when your audience is more likely to open and engage with your email.

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